How Does SQLLineage Work
Basically a sql parser will parse the SQL statement(s) into AST (Abstract Syntax Tree), which according to wikipedia, is a tree representation of the abstract syntactic structure of source code (in our case, SQL code, of course). This is where SQLLineage takes over.
With AST generated, SQLLineage will traverse through this tree and apply some pre-defined rules to extract the parts we’re interested in. With that being said, SQLLineage is an AST application, while there’s actually more you can do with AST:
born duty of AST: the starting point for optimization. In compiler world, machine code, or optionally IR (Intermediate Representation), will be generated based on the AST, and then code optimization, resulting in an optimized machine code. In data world, it’s basically the same thing with different words, and different optimization target. AST will be converted to query execution plan for query execution optimization. Using strategy like RBO(Rule Based Optimization) or CBO(Cost Based Optimization), the database/data warehouse query engine outputs an optimized physical plan for execution.
linter: quoting wikipedia, linter is a static code analysis tool used to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors and suspicious constructs. Oftentimes the name linter is used interchangeably with code formatter. Famous tools like flake8 for Python, ESLint for JavaScript are example of real life linters. Golang even provide an official gofmt program in their standard library. Meanwhile, although not yet widely adopted in data world, we can also lint SQL code. sqlfluff is such an great tool. Guess how it works to detect a smelly “SELECT *” or a mixture of leading and trailing commas. The answer is AST!
transpiler: This use case is most famous in JavaScript world, where they’re proactively using syntax defined in latest language specification which is not supported by mainstream web browsers yet. Quote from its offical document, Babel is capable of “converting ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards compatible version of JavaScript in current and older browsers”. Babel exists in frontend because there’s less control over runtime choice compared to backend developers, you need both browser to support it and user to upgrade their browser. In data world, we also see similar requirements for SQL syntax difference between different SQL dialect. sqlglot is such an project, which can help you “translate” for example SQL written in Hive to Presto. All there are not possible without AST.
structure analysis: IDE leverages this a lot. Scenarios like duplicate code detection, code refactor. Basically this is to analyze the code structure. SQLLineage also falls into this category.
sqlfluff is the underlying parser SQLLineage uses to get the AST. You heard it right! Even though sqlfluff is mostly famous as a SQL linter, it also ships a parser so lint can be done. The various SQL dialects it supports greatly saves our time.
As mentioned, at the core of sqllineage is to traverse through the AST. Different SQL statement type requires different analyzing logic. We collect all kinds of sql, handle various edge cases and make our logic robust enough.
This is for single statement SQL lineage analysis. For multiple statements SQL, it requires some more extra work to assemble the lineage from single statements.
We choose a DAG based data structure to represent multiple statements SQL lineage. Table/View will be vertex in this graph while a edge means data in source vertex table will contribute to data in target vertex table. In column-level lineage, the vertex is a column. Every single statement lineage result will contain table/column read and table/column write information, which will later be combined into this graph. With this DAG based data structure, it is also very easy to visualize lineage.